23-27 October 2017 is the GEO WEEK in Washington, D.C. USA.
Under the patronage of the Group on Earth Observations, GEO community is gathering these days at the International Trade Centre in Washington.
“Insight for a changing world” conference reunites GEO - XIV Plenary, side events and exhibitions, highlighting the role, applications and the opportunities provided by Earth Observation.
TERRASIGNA is present at GEO Week as part of the EARSC delegation, the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies.
EARSC will be present at the Exhibition area in order to foster discussion and to expose case studies that demonstrate the added value of EO information.
Recently released Autumn 2017 EOmag! edition - the collective voice of the EO industry - features two of our #EOinsights:
The Romanian Forest Inspector in the spotlight
How is Earth Observation used in decision making?